Wednesday, March 24, 2010

my kids.

i truly believe the saying, "to have photographs is to live life twice." When someone asks you, "if your house was on fire what would you grab?" I'm SURE your photographs would be among the top 5, if not three and for me two, things (kids first, pictures second... honey, you get the documents! :) For me they are priceless... what if i lose my memory? heaven forbid I lose a child. sure, videos are fabulous... you can hear their voice, see their movements, but there is something about a still picture... no words, just thoughts. peace. quiet. and emotion.

today i took my kids out to photograph because I would hate to look back and not be able to remember EXACTLY how it was. how the sun shined in their hair. how their cheeks would get really big when they were truly smiling. how much they truly love each other. and how the spirit of childhood can not be contained.

i will forever remember this moment.


if you live in the area and want photos taken like this, in this field, email me quickly... who knows when it will be gone... either mowed, or brown from the sun!! :)

"so pretty..."

i LOVE this little girl!! her sweet little face, the fact that she'll keep bows in her hair, the other fact that she LOVES to be told she's pretty...

i had such a fun morning with this family! I can't wait for you all to see your gallery! This is just the beginning!
